Digital Grid with EGM

The world is undergoing dramatic changes in almost every aspect of human life. New and advanced technologies emerge in every field, from medicine to home appliances. All these changes rely on a fundamental assumption that is absolutely necessary for their occurrence – constant and reliable supply of electricity. The grid, which is the network that […]
EGM solutions being presented at Metering India 2019 conference

EGM solutions being presented at Metering India 2019 conference, hosting some 500 industry executives. EGM grid monitoring solutions were presented at the event key note speech, delivered by Mr. Elad Shaviv, CEO of the Israeli Smart Energy Association, as a case study for the evolution of grid and the migration from smart meters to a […]
Integrating Distributed Energy Resources: A Key Capability the Future of Smart Grid Should Have
Imagine a world where you drive your electric vehicle on your way to a family lunch at a nice restaurant, get to the place and notice your Electric Vehicle’s battery is running low. You open your mobile phone and with the help of a smartphone application you locate an EV charging station near you, park […]
The Internet of Things reflects in the Meta-Alert System
The Internet of Things (IoT) has developed from a conceptual vision in the early nineties to unequivocal fact already in 2008-2009. In a nutshell, the IoT allows close system of devices to communicate with each other, exchange data, and order each other to perform a previously defined set of functions. When you think of it, […]