Energy & Sustainable Solutions Magazine features Amir Cohen, CEO:

“The current energy security and climate crisis is creating limitless demand for new power grid infrastructure and a rising risk of gridlock. Electricity grids will need to dramatically increase capacity to fulfil growing demand for everything from electric cars to heating systems and incorporate more renewable power amidst a growing energy security and climate change crisis. Yet the enormous grid expansion that is projected could add unsustainablecosts to taxpayers and consumers at a time of soaring inflation, and cause disruption to local ecosystems and communities. And few realise that much of the demand for new grid capacity is being driven by wasteful and inefficient usage of existing infrastructure.

Outdated methods of monitoring network conditions and capacity means that global networks are suffering major power losses and running significantly below their true capacity, creating needless congestion and constraints on renewable generation. Cumulatively, this is hampering the electrification of the economy and decarbonisation of power and driving excessive and unsustainable demand for new infrastructure.” 

Read Full Story Here.