The Internet of Things (IoT) has developed from a conceptual vision in the early nineties to unequivocal fact already in 2008-2009. In a nutshell, the IoT allows close system of devices to communicate with each other, exchange data, and order each other to perform a previously defined set of functions.

When you think of it, EGM’s Meta-AlertTM system is also a manifestation of the IoT applied to the electricity grid. As part of the wider trend of grid digitalization, the sensors collect and transfer the information back to the  big-data analytics center, which in turn process and analyzes the data and produce insights for efficient, cost-effective and optimizes electricity management.

However, In its common form and subject to existing regulation, standard IoT is not sufficiently secured at the level required for strategically sensitive infrastructure such as the electricity grid; it does not enable the transfer of big data at the volume required for the managing and maintaining smart grid; and it does not enable analyzing such amount of big data that revolves around smart grid management.

In order to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings, EGM developed its own applications that enable it to use the IoT on the smart grid. By utilizing the concept of IoT and adjusting it so as to fit the unique characteristics of the electricity grid, among other things, the system identifies sources of energy generation and matches them to locations of energy demand.

This is yet another advantage of EGM’s Meta-AlertTM system, making it a cutting edge groundbreaking technology that has the potential to dramatically change our lives and the way we manage the electricity grid.